Benefits of Professional Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning Arizona City, Arizona
Be sure you enlist a professional and reputable company like – Cleaning Resource Center
Just because a company puts up a website and starts advertising kitchen exhaust or hood cleaning services; doesn’t mean they are qualified or professional. Here are some of the qualifiers of a professional kitchen exhaust hood cleaning company that you can actually trust to get the job done right every time.
A few quick questions for your new hood cleaner
- Ask for a several customers/clients the company currently services.
- Check into how long they have been in business.
- Are their technicians trained? If so by who?
- What do their service vehicles look like?
A few types of Cleaning Methods
Many low budget exhaust hood cleaning companies focus exclusively on hand scraping. This is the easiest way to clean a kitchen exhaust hood, and it’s possible to do a fairly decent job of hand scraping and using spray bottles. This type of cleaning requires very little training and no certifications. However, a professional kitchen exhaust hood cleaning company will not only do hand scraping, they will also follow up with steam or hot water pressure washing At CRC we offer professional hand scraping as well as hot, high pressure cleaning for kitchen exhaust hoods and all connecting ductwork . In addition, we prove the effectiveness of our work by using a special Certified Grease Comb to measure the depth of grease deposits before and after cleaning. Our pictures program is the insurance of effective cleaning of your exhaust system
Service for all types of Pollution Control Units (PCU)
Other service we provide is comprehensive cleaning and filter service for your entire Pollution Control Unit We understand how to clean every type of unit It is extremely important you PCU is functioning efficiently at all times; w without the PCU pulling hot, greasy air out of the kitchen, grease deposits will accumulate faster on your exhaust hood and in your duct work and increase your risk of a fire. CRC can provide the best cleaning and service for your pollution control unit.