Roof top grease spills are a major health and safety hazard. From attracting pest and rodents to posing a serious safety hazard every time a service provider or employee is on the roof. Especially a slip and fall accident can cost thousands of dollars in workers’ compensation claims and personal injury claims each year. On top off all of that there could be roof top grease saturation which causes: roofing material deterioration, roof leaks and structural damage, health code violations, and runoff water pollution.
The best way to avoid all these problems would be by maintaining a grease-free roof, and the first line of defense is installing a grease containment system on your kitchen exhaust fan. However, spills may still be found that need to be taken care of with a routine cleaning and maintenance. If you ever find oil on the roof or notice leaking from the containment system it would be best to hire a certified professional to properly clean up the grease. The company you call should be knowledgeable in all federal and state environment regulations and understand how to suitably dispose of the oil.
Containing the spill is top priority to keep it from moving into nearby storm drains or water sources. Next, to remove the accumulated grease and oil from your roof a degreasing chemical agent or an oil absorbing product is laid down. To finish it off the degreaser must be completely removed and then the area will be cleaned using hot pressure washer cleaning.
Of course the best way to avoid this is by not overlooking your roof top. It is much more expensive to replace your roof top than to just simply maintain it with a regular cleaning service schedule. With a detailed roof top cleaning, along with the installation of grease containment system, will help reduce roof deterioration, costly roof replacements, and unsafe work areas. If you want to clean up your roof top from a grease spill in Gilbert Arizona contact us at 877.454.6790, for any of your cleaning needs in Gilbert, AZ.